
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shelter Dogs (7) Emmitt concluded

Two days later I learned that Emmitt had been accepted at Satchel's Last Resort, an animal sanctuary with adoptable dogs. A fine, young woman at Satchel's also knew and liked Emmitt from her previous work at HSSC. She paved the way for his admission with the help of HSSC's manager. The following Sunday morning I made an appointment and drove over to Satchel's Last Resort. Emmitt and I walked, he ate snacks, and we played a game of "stomach scratch". I measured him at the shoulders - he was 17 or 18 inches tall (I am fabricating - he was 20 inches at the shoulder). My condo association allows owners "one small animal . . . up to 14 inches at the shoulder". Next I met Emmitt's regular playmate, a three month old Sheperd/Pit mix (perhaps). She was a beautiful, beige dog that loved to run and then wrestle with him. (I hoped she wasn't a tart.) I left a bag of rawhide chews for all the guys and a small contribution towards Emmitt's upkeep. As I was walked to my car I heard Emmitt barking and turned around. He was standing at the fence barking after me with his playmate standing by his shoulder. There is always the chance that he will be adopted by a good person. But if not there remains the question for me of who will be responsible for Emmitt's "spirit". As these notes suggest I shall remember him, this playful dog with the broad chest. But if per chance in the future I should meet Emmitt's waiting spirit, I shall happily scratch his stomach and take him with my old dog Swede and a small guinea pig - Jay, and together pass into that good night. As I wrote earlier, personal emotional management is extremely important in dealing with these dogs. Happily I am managing mine quite successfully - I think, maybe.

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