
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Loss, Destruction and Idiocy - Excerpts

     The Death of Winnie the Pooh's Friend Christopher Robin, age 75, April 1996.
     ". . . Owl says that immediately beyond our garden TIME begins, and that it is an awfully deep well. If you fall in you go down and down very quickly and no one knows what happens to you next. I was a bit worried about Christopher Robin falling in but he came back and then I asked him about the well. 'Old bear' - he answered - 'I was in it and I was falling and I was changing as I fell. My legs became long. I  was a big person. I wore trousers down to the ground, I had a grey beard, then I grew old, hunched, and I walked with a cane, then I died. It was probably just a dream, it was quite unreal. The only real thing was you, old bear and our shared fun. Now I won't  go anywhere, even if I am called for an afternoon snack."  
     Czeslaw Milosz  NYRB 2/6/1997.  PX - Winnie and friends at New York City Public Library. _____________

"Almighty Father, Strong to Save,
  Whose arm has bound the restless wave,
  Who bidd'st the mighty Ocean deep
  Its own appointed limits keep,
  Oh hear us when we cry to thee,
  For those in peril on the sea."
      U.S. Episcopal Church - 1940 - (Wikipedia) PX  USS Newport News ____________________

"Day is done. Gone the sun. From the lakes, From the hills, From the sky.
  Rest in peace, Sol jer brave. God is nigh."
      From Horace Lorenzo Trim.  (Wikipedia)___________________________________________

" ' The destruction of the natural world is not the result of global capitalism, industrialization, Western Civilization, or any
   flaw in human institutions. It is a consequence of the evolutionary success of an exceptionally rapacious primate. ' "
       John Gray  The Soul of the Marionette . . .  David Bromwich, NYRB  11/5/2015 ______________

  "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a   tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
     William Shakespeare  Macbeth - Act V; Scene V. __________________________________________

  "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me."
  "I'm really good with war. I love war in a certain way."
     Donald Trump - See The Hill June 19, 2016. _______________________________________________

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