
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Christine Christian; animal behaviorist extraordinaire

Hi Christine,
     I thought you should know what is going on at the kennels in your absence. Black, rolling clouds laced with lightning have formed over HSSC and refuse to move. Inside the buildings in the misty gloom dogs snarl and snap while staff and volunteers, bent over in misery shuffle about their tasks muttering "What would Christine say?" What would Christine do?" On occasion a volunteer simply disappears! Days later investigators find perhaps a belt buckle -  on a greasy spot. "This never happened when Christine was around" they mutter. Meetings have become filled with simple chit-chat. They have become like a Bolshevik Congress without the genius Lenin or The Apprentice without The Donald.
     In any event you are missed - Best wishes for the Holidays and Happy New Year ! !
:-) John

Christine Christian - A Memory Book Contribution - Humane Society of Sarasota County -
                                  Ann Patterson editor. January 15, 2013.
(1) What has Christine taught me about dogs? Just about everything - five years ago I thought I knew something but was clearly wrong. I have taken CC's Manners Classes for years now and have learned much. CC is very patient - today I am better informed, practiced and eager but remain an apprentice dealing with dogs. Also thanks to CCs instruction I still have all my fingers.
(2) What has Christine taught me about volunteering? I remember a noncom looking up into my eyes shouting "Fool, never, never volunteer for anything!" So in retirement I volunteered at HSSC with lingering trepidation about any such activity. CC has dramatically improved my attitude toward service. She is so talented, dedicated and valuable a component at HSSC it is hard for me to imagine the organization without her involvement.
(3) What has Christine taught me about myself? Underneath my wild, bold, confident, bronze facade there is an introverted nerd - CC has given me a new found confidence to deal with dogs that really are more intelligence, powerful and confident than me - for instance Bruno, Troy, Cooley, Emmitt, Sarge and I could go on and on. In addition because of CCs instruction and leadership I no longer get as down on myself, which in turn means I make fewer trips to the car wash, where I usually go to recharge.
(4) What has been Christine's biggest contribution to HSSC? CC contributes tremendous intelligence, substance and structure to the activities at HSSC. There are hundreds of dogs that have had a life and a dramatically enhanced chance of a great life because of her knowledge and effort.
(5) What do you admire most about Christine? CC is one of the most impressive people I have ever met. She is a prize and it is a great pleasure to know and work with her.


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